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Here is our first community service project for spring of 2024!
 Fort Lauderdale Diaper Bank hosts monthly free diaper/Depends distributions as well as gives them out at other special events throughout the month.
This is a critical and much needed service the Fort Lauderdale Diaper Bank provides to families not just with small children but pregnant mothers and caregivers of elderly or ailing family members. 
Please see list below of items needed for donation. Bring your packs of diapers or Depends or monetary donations to each of the member meetings March through May. 
If you want to give a monetary donation:  use button below or make check out to FLWC w/Diaper Drive notated


Diapers: all sizes Newborn thru size 6

Wet wipes (refill packages are easiest to distribute)

Pull -Ups: all sizes especially larger toddler (3T-6T)

Pull- Ups: all adult sizes

Sanitary napkins or Leak Pads

Monetary donations are welcome too

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