FLWC Dessert Booth at the Starlight Musicals at Holiday Park
June 10, 2022 @ 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
FLWC COOKIE/RAFFLE BOOTH at the Starlight Musicals in Holiday Park
6:30 to set up. Music is from 7pm to 10 pm. It is our time to shine!
This is a CONTINUED OPPORTUNITY FOR FUNDRAISING for our roof at the Starlight Musicals during June to August at Holiday Park @
East Sunrise Blvd and Fed Hwy 1
For the wrongs that need resistance
For the future in the distance
And the good that we may do
Have all the cookies ready for this June 10th, the first event in the musical series at the park. We need GIFT CARDS to fill out the baskets and items for the raffle as well! We also need raffle ticket sellers. ALL ABOARD….!!!
Please contact Sara if you are able to help at 623-210-6846
or Donna Lee at 954-303-1741