We are Celebrating our Annual Meeting and 106th Birthday with a Beautiful Tea Party!
Annual Meeting Agenda includes: Installation of Board of Directors Officers, announcement of 2016 Woman of the Year and much more! Please RSVP by January 16 to Hospitality Chair Linda Parlock at 954-770-2051 for this special celebration. Cost is $10.00 per person for catered Tea Party, payable at the door, check or cash preferred. Everyone is welcome!
2017-2018 Executive Officers
President: JoAnn Smith
1st Vice-President: DonnaLee Minott
2nd Vice-President: Mindy Noble
Recording Secretary: Linda Gibboney
Corresponding Secretary: Mariana Kunkel
Treasurer: Linda Postyn
Pictured left to right: Jo Ann Smith, Linda Postyn, Mindy Noble, DonnaLee Minott, Linda Gibboney
Special Notice to Club Members: If you have not paid your 2017 dues, we request you please submit your $100 payment as soon as possible so you can be included in the 2017-2018 Annual Yearbook & Directory. You may bring check to Annual Meeting on January 20 or mail check to FLWC, P.O. Box 2487, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33303, or pay online (click on image below) by February 9.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we want to thank you for your dedication to the club. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions or comments on how we can continue to strengthen your support and participation.
With kindest regards,
Jo Ann Smith