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As we honor all Veterans during the month of November, join us for a memorable presentation on the Tuskegee Airmen
by LTC Thaddeus “Thad” Hamilton, US Army Retired

Highlights of Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton’s resume include:
Executive Board Member, Miami Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen
Legistlative Liasion, Military Officers Assoc. of America,
Broward County Chapter
Chair, City of Sunrise Veteran Advisory Board

As we give thanks for our bounty, please bring a side dish as we return to our traditional potluck luncheons at this special meeting. The Club will provide Turkey and Pumpkin Pie. So come show off Granny’s favorite side dish recipe and bring it TABLE READY (no cooking in the kitchen at the clubhouse.)

Luncheon is $25 Collected at the door (or online below) to offset ancillary expenses. 

Luncheon RSVPing

If you plan to join us for lunch, please RSVP by clicking the link below and purchasing a ticket. IF YOU WISH TO PAY CASH OR CHECK AT THE DOOR, select the option at checkout to “pay by check.” This will be your RSVP, it will allow us to plan accordingly and feed everyone who RSVP’s while minimizing waste, and will still give you the flexibility to pay cash/check when you arrive at the door.

Hosted by Sally Alshouse
Community Outreach Chair, FLWC
[email protected]



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